Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Being in our recovery doesn’t mean we are a pushover.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Being in our recovery doesn’t mean we are a pushover. In fact, many times in our recovery we need to set boundaries.    The key is bal...
Being in our recovery doesn’t mean we are a pushover. In fact, many times in our recovery we need to set boundaries.
  The key is balance. Too many boundaries and you close off; no boundaries and you lose yourself.

 We have an innate desire to help other people, especially those who are down and out.  We have to learn a valuable lesson: the boundaries of self-worth.

 We can become so focused on others recovery and ideas that we are ignoring our own.

 These are painful and crippling lesson for us to learn emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially. We become bankrupt across the board. Of course it is in giving that we receive, but that starts with compassion for ourselves.

If we are not full of self-worth in our recovery, we will have nothing to give away. We learn that boundaries are very important. We learn that we had to make full contact with our child within before we could be fulfilling in our relationship with ourselves .

We have to learn this lesson through pain and suffering, which becomes a path of joy. Our ego hates the transformation from that dark place to our life, but each time our ego gets mad, my child within celebrates.

Now, We are living our true recovery. It started through self-love for my child, then grew from giving loving-Kindness away and is sustained by a balance of giving to myself and to others. We are experiencing more consistent joy in our live as a result of those painful years of abandonment of our child and we would experience them all over again if I had to, because on the other side, life is beautiful liberate and full of amazing answers..

Are you living your life for others and abandoning yourself in the process?


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