Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: To not aim for perfection, but rather express ourselves as we are, strong, scared and in human form.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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No one is perfect. No one. Not ONE self-help person you look up to is the perfect image that you imagine them to be. In many ways, those...
No one is perfect. No one. Not ONE self-help person you look up to is the perfect image that you imagine them to be. In many ways, those of us who are the "Gurus" are the most messed up ones because we have come to teach what we need to learn ourselves.

The good news here is that we can now use our pain, our weakness, our shortcomings and our mistakes not as more reasons for us to be WRONG but we can now share them authentically and know that we are not alone.

In allowing our humanity, empathy and compassion to emerge, so does a sense of connection.

Life is messy. We mess up. We have great moments. We have horrible moments. We have brilliant moments. The goal is to allow and admit them all. To be willing to look bad, silly or goofy.

To not aim for perfection, but rather express ourselves as we are, strong, scared and in human form.

So, if you want to inspire someone, do it with who you are BEING, not what you are saying.

How can you do a better job of linking up what you SAY with what you DO?


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