Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: How to Overcome Arrogance in Recovery
Author: Fraser Trevor
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There are things that the individual can to do to overcome their arrogant attitude: If people value themselves highly, there will be no need...

There are things that the individual can to do to overcome their arrogant attitude:

  • If people value themselves highly, there will be no need to convince other people of their worth. They will just feel comfortable in their own skin. Anything that helps the individual increase their own self-esteem will also help them eradicate arrogance.
  • Learning to be humble in sobriety can bring many great benefits including the eradication of arrogance. Humility is not about becoming subservient or weak. It means just owning up to weaknesses and human fallibility. Nobody is perfect, and the humble person is honest about this. It takes a great deal of courage for a usually arrogant person to show humility, but the rewards of doing so are well worth it. In order to get the most out of recovery the individual will need to have at least some degree of humility. They need to be teachable.
  • Most people who are arrogant do not even realize it. This means that it is only when the individual pays closer attention to their own behavior and other people’s reactions that they observe this trait. If people are worried that they might sometimes come across as arrogant they can ask a trusted friend for their opinion.
  • Sometimes people do get accused of arrogance unfairly. It is a highly subjective term. If an individual is accused of being arrogant they do not have to automatically assume that this is the true. Instead they can reflect on their behavior to see if there is any veracity in such a claim.
  • Mindfulness meditation is a technique that allows people to have a deeper understanding of their mental processes. This means that they will become better at spotting their own negative behaviors, such as arrogance.
  • Spending more time thinking about other people is another good way to overcome arrogance. This prevents the individual becoming too focused on their own life.


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